Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is Image System Group's chief decision-making body, where shareholders exercise their voting rights. In addition to AGMs, Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs) may also be convened.

The Annual General Meeting will be held in Linköping or Stockholm annually within 6 months of the end of the previous financial year. 

AGM 2024

The last Annual General Meeting was held on 8 May 2024.

The nomination committee for the AGM consisted of:

  • Hans Karlsson, appointed by Tibia Konsult AB
  • Thomas Wernhoff, own holding
  • Hans Malm, own holding

The nomination committee appointed Hans Karlsson as its chairman.

Minutes of the AGM and other documentation can be found at the bottom of this page.

The Nomination Committee's Comprehensive Proposal for the Principles Governing the Appointment of the Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee recommends that the company's Chairman of the Board be tasked with annually convening a Nomination Committee during the third quarter. This committee shall comprise a representative from at least two of the company's largest shareholders by August 31, as well as the largest shareholder independent of the aforementioned principal owners, according to the shareholding registered in the share ledger maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB. Should any of these shareholders choose to forego their right to appoint a representative, the right shall pass to the shareholder with the next largest shareholding. If a member resigns from the Nomination Committee before its work is completed, the appointing shareholder shall nominate a replacement.

The Chief Executive Officer or any other member of the company's management shall not serve on the Nomination Committee. The composition of the Nomination Committee shall be communicated to the company in time to allow for its publication no later than six months prior to the Annual General Meeting. The Nomination Committee shall elect a chairperson from among its members.

The Nomination Committee shall perform the duties that are stipulated from time to time by the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance.

The composition of the Nomination Committee is to be made public no later than six months before the Annual General Meeting 2024. The Nomination Committee shall be entitled to receive reasonable compensation from the company for expenses incurred in connection with evaluations and recruitment. Members of the Nomination Committee shall not receive fees from the company.

Linköping in June 2020

The Nomination Committee