Image Systems' business area RemaSawco receives an order from Vida for just over SEK 4.1 million

Press Release

RemaSawco and Vida have signed an agreement to upgrade the sawmills Vida HN and Vida Mörlunda to a value of just over SEK 4.1 million.

In the case of the Vida Mörlunda sawmill, the agreement includes an upgrade of the sawmill's green sorting where RemaSawco will supply, install and commission the market-leading product RS-BoardScannerP, which is used for dimension and profile measurement and general detection of deviations. Commissioning is planned for the end of 2023.

At the Vida HN sawmill, the saw line is being upgraded by replacing and upgrading existing systems to RemaSawco's RS-Opt, RS-3DLog 3SC and RS-Con systems. Commissioning is planned for the last quarter of 2023.

Both sawmills will now receive a significant boost in their capabilities and RemaSawco will also carry out training for the customer's own staff.

"In the current market situation, it is very wise by Vida to take the opportunity to update and invest in their production lines. This will make sure they stand stronger facing the brighter future that will surely come"

Says Emilien Saindon, CEO of RemaSawco.

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