Image System's business area RemaSawco receives an order from Vida Borgstena AB for just over SEK 3.2 million
RemaSawco AB has signed an agreement with Vida Borgstena AB for delivery of a new board scanner and more to the sawmill in Borgstena. The order value amounts to just over SEK 3.2 million.
Vida Borgstena AB is one of Vida Group's 12 sawmills and has now signed an agreement with RemaSawco AB regarding the upgrade of the sawmill's combined green/dry sorter at the sawmill in Borgstena. The order includes, among other things, the board scanner RS-BoardScannerP.
Delivery, installation and commissioning will take place during the second quarter of 2024.
"This will be the eighth Boardscanner from RemaSawco to be installed in the group, this of course means that we are satisfied with previous installations, but there are also great advantages in having the same system to be able to effectively use the competence we have built up internally across the entire business. "
Says Jonas Axelsson, Technical Director Vida Group
"We thank Vida once again for the trust and at the same time are happy that with this order they are clearly signaling that 2024 is the year when the tide turns again, and it is time to continue upgrading and investing in a sustainable future for their sawmills."
Says Emilien Saindon, CEO RemaSawco.
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