Image System's business area RemaSawco receives an order from Moelven Dalaträ for just over SEK 4.6 million
RemaSawco AB has signed an agreement with Moelven Dalaträ AB to upgrade the sawmill's saw line intake, saw line and green sorting where the total value amounts to just over SEK 4.6 million.
The agreement involves a modernization of the sawmill in Mockfjärd where the sawline intake gets a new control and measurement system and both the sawline and green sorting get several upgrades. The agreement also includes commissioning and training of the customer's staff.
Delivery, installation and commissioning will take place during the summer of 2024.
"We are grateful for our very good relationship with Moelven and the successful collaboration we carry out on a regular basis. It is therefore gratifying that they once again place their trust in us to help them become even better"
Says Emilien Saindon, CEO of RemaSawco.
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